Reaction Pool


10K ADA Pledge | 0% Margin Fee until December 2021 (1% max) | North American Stake Pool

Maximize your hard earned ADA while further decentralizing the Cardano Network by staking ADA to an independent pool.

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The Next Generation...

Cardano is a third-genergation blockchain platform for changemakers, innovators, and visionaries, with the tools and technologies required to create possibility for the many, as well as the few, and bring about positive global change.

Fully Decentralized...

Utilizing the Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism, Cardano aims to be a truly decentralized and ultra-secure blockchain technology backed by a rapidly growing community from around the world.

Built on the Cloud...

Uninterrupted and continously maintained cloud-computing power for validating Cardano transactions utilizing two independent relay nodes and one block producing node. Reaction Pool currently uses DigitalOcean services to seamlessly monitor the Cardano Stake Pool and to decentralize the network.

DigitalOcean Referral Badge

Core Node 🟢
Relay 1 Node 🟢
Relay 2 Node 🟢